Jyväskylän Tradenomiopiskelijat Ry

Jyväskylän Tradenomiopiskelijat ry, more commonly known as Konkurssi, is an association which oversees the trusteeship and well-being for the members, as well as organizes events.
Konkurssi is in co-operation with local businesses, who offer a variety of benefits from different industries for Konkurssi’s members. You can read more about member benefits from here!
Konkurssi organizes multiple versatile events which help the BBA students relax in between studying. Some of the events are alcohol-free. More information about the events can be found on Konkurssi’s Facebook page.

Students of Business and Technology
Students of Business and Technology is a union for all BBA students. Their task is to support the BBA students in working life and during studies. Students of Business and Technology participate actively in the development of education and raise the knowledge and value of a BBA degree.
JAMK main campus, DP55
Rajakatu 35, 40200 JYVÄSKYLÄ
Office open on Tuesdays 11am-2pm
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© 2023 Konkurssi